Monday, January 29, 2007

web o peoples

banner ideas for teale's website

these are all pretty bad except maybe the first one if done well, maybe wood block relief


this should/hopefully will be a series in paint form

i was a lifesaver in this dream

i wanted to draw dick

spoon - i turn my camera on

stealing from carrie

these monkies be stealing your peel!

titles are hard to make

swash your face with color


someone write a poem on the disconnected airport lights and its wonky lamp friend

Sunday, January 28, 2007

in vera's

trying out new pens i got. kinda architectural? napkin, salt, pepper, ketchup (just realized these are the thing inside the containers), chair, table

backside. oops.

creature composition #1

when i wrote in "i heart science" after the drawing it wasn't meant to be and is still not a criticism on scientific ethics. i, in a non evil, non i don't know what word but one where the thing being created wouldn't hurt and would be happy, like to see something like this happen/exist. and more.

was this how it used to be done?

take some berries and leaves off the streets and start squishing/plants painting plants

finally, time to stop being so lazy

first the attempt to draw the way the baby below was done, then just montaging/collaging of images. they kind of had something to do with each other?